Monday, March 7, 2011

Islamic Radicals and Congressional Hearings Thereon

The House opens hearings on the radicalization of Muslims in America (the King Hearings, named for the chairman of the committee holding them). How can this be any more anti-Islamic than hearings last century on the Ku Klux Klan? (The KKK recruited mostly from Christian churches.) Terrorism is terrorism, whether the source is domestic or foreign; whether it uses Christians or Muslims, whether the problem was last century or this one. Our country dealt with the KKK last century, we can deal with this quaisi-Muslim stuff this century. Government can use the same techniques for both.

First step is to identify the problem and learn about it. Denying that we have one was not the answer last time. It only lengthened the scope of the KKK’s reach and power. Denying the problem of Muslim extremism will not work this century, too.

The King Hearings in the House are a necessary corrective to the culture of denial of the problem by the Obama Administration and too many of the Muslim community.

More info

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